Sunday, May 15, 2011

Finally here :)

After a flight cancellation and about 27 hours of transit, I am finally here!  The flights were not nearly as bad as I had thought they might be.  Of course a seventeen hour flight is lame, but I survived!  On my flight from RDU to Dallas, TX, I sat next to a Mr. Chatty Cathy!  Him and the woman next to me made it nearly impossible to read.  Then I put on my headphones and still couldn't read!  But no worries, I finished my book on my flight from LAX to Melbourne.  I had plenty of time to do so!

I almost missed my flight to Melbourne.  When I got off of my flight from Dallas, I booked it to where all of the Qantas (the Australian airline) travelers had to catch a shuttle bus to a completely different part of the airport.  We all packed into the shuttle, and by the time I made it on there was only standing room.  I had to stand on my tip toes to reach the bar overhead.  I could of killed the six foot something guy sitting down right in front of where I was standing.  After being stretched so that my arm felt like it was dislocated for about twenty minutes, I all but ran through the airport to catch my flight.  I wouldn't have cut it so close if I didn't make time for a pit stop in the duty free store to pick up some liquor, but it was time well spent!  

During my flight I wasn't sure if I was going to survive.  My butt was more than sore and then it would become numb.  Not a pleasant experience.  I also felt awful waking up the guy next to me just to tinkle.  I did however watch two movies and an NCIS episode on the way, as well as finishing up my book - thanks Meghan for letting me borrow your books!  They were awesome!

After I landed, I spent about two hours in customs.  I decided that I wanted to change into a dress and put on some make up before I saw Kamron, because I didn't want to look all gross when I saw him for the first time in months - bad idea.  Those of you who have seen me pack for any trip, or even a meeting, know I do more than over pack!  Just picture me running around in a dress with two suitcases, while attempting to not run over anyone.  It was a sight to see.  I didn't realize customs would take so long, but my flight was packed and knowing my luck I should have guessed that it would take me two hours.  I finally made it through customs, and was anxious to see Kamron.  As I walked through the doors there were a bagillion million people waiting to pick up someone from the international flights.  Of course, going back to my sort of luck, Kamron was no where in sight.  Again, I just want everyone to picture me with my huge suitcases in a floor length strapless dress appearing to be lost.  After about twenty minutes of attempting to stay calm, I saw Kamron!!  Naturally, there were two ways to go when you leave customs and I went the way where Kamron wasn't. 

We then took a cab back to where Kamron is staying and lugged my suitcases up the stairs.  After finding a place to put my suitcases, we got together with some of Kamron's friends and headed to the market.  We road the tram there, and I got a much needed latte!  For those of you who don't know, I hadn't had coffee in about two weeks, because I didn't want to be fighting caffeine head aches on my flights or while I was here.  That coffee was amazing!    We looked around for a couple of hours and bought some fresh veggies and meat for dinner, which was also amazing.  Kamron is a natural in the kitchen!  His friends were so funny!  They wanted Kamron to teach them how to cook.

While we were at the market we went to a cozy, two story pub in search of some $5 sangria, which as far as I'm told is extremely cheap for alcohol here.  Unfortunately the pub was out, so we settled for beer.  On a tired and empty stomach I should have been done after one, but Kamron's friend bought us all two more rounds (Kamron and I shared the last).  No worries (this is directed to mom and dad) I was safe :) After heading back to Kamron's flat, I went to bed around 8 or 9ish in an attempt to not let my jetlag get the better of me.  I was going off a few hours of sleep in 48 hours, so staying up until then was definitely accomplishing a great feat!  Of course I woke up in the middle of the night ready to start my day. 

Today we took the tram to Aldi (hehe, Allison) to get some groceries for the week, and Kamron showed me where he works.  Kamron left for work soon after we got back to his flat, and I unpacked my suitcases.  That leaves me where I am now, sleepy and in the computer lab because the internet in Kamron's room doesn't work, lame.

I hope there aren't too many spelling/typing errors (this is all encompassing - for now and for future posts), but before I fall asleep at the keyboard I am going to make my way back to Kamron's room.  Stay tuned for updates!!

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