Thursday, June 30, 2011

Mildura bound

We had to get up early to clean up and head back to Mildura.  I cannot believe we cleaned up so quickly!  I had my first taste of Vegimite... I don't recommend it.  It's supposed to be the Australian hang over cure.  It made me want to throw up!

But we eventualy made our way back to Mildura!  We made a few stops on the way, and Rachel taught me how to crochet a beanie!  I know have an Australian made beanie.  It looks pretty sweet... I need practice, but it was fun.  It also helped to pass the time, and we had plenty of it.  I'm sitting here trying to remember all we did on the bus, but I cannot remember.  Maybe it was fatigue?  Oh well.

We eventually made it back to Mildura, where I promptly went to McDonalds for some wifi, and I messaged Kamron.  I headed to bed early that night.

Thursday, we had a free day!  YAY!  Unfortunately, I locked my key in my room, so I had to wait around until it was unlocked before I could leave.  Once I was able to get back into my room, I went shopping!  Yay for spending money!  Haha.  Just kidding!  I did spend a little bit of money, but everything was on sale or from a the local thrift store.  I eventually made my way back to the hostel, and a group of us headed down to the Murray River to see the sunset.  I ended up getting a couple of decent pictures out of the deal too.

By the time we headed back to the hostel our instructors were working on some dinner.  We had a lot of food left over from the previous week, so dinner was provided last night, which was nice :)  Of course I had a few beers, but a few of us played some Texas Hold'em and Cheat (which is a lot like BS).  We played until pretty late, and then I headed to bed.

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